Shorthand Writing, Video & Transcription Services
0141 248 6211
About LHP
LHP was formed in 2016 by John Larking, of John Larking Verbatim Reporters, after acquiring the trading name of William Hodge and Pollock Ltd ("WHP").
WHP, in various guises, has served the needs of the courts of Scotland since the end of the nineteenth century and had a reputation for excellence in top-quality court shorthand-writing and reporting.
John Larking has a lifetime of experience working in the transcription sector and founded the successful London-based transcription company, John Larking Verbatim Reporters, in 1988. He not only brings his knowledge and expertise in the transcription field to LHP but also access to some of the best and most experienced transcribers in the UK.
Building on the successes of WHP, LHP strives to continue to provide excellent quality transcription services using the latest technology in and around the Glasgow area.